訂造或翻新高級梳化,餐椅,卡座,防撞設施,特色軟牆,圍身板,酒店式梳化設備,辦公室梳化設備,窗台墊,窗台座位,床屏。 歡迎個人或公司來圖報價查詢。
M商業 / 辦公室傢俬及設備My Own Style Furniture

GREENSCREEN Facade System, Vertical Green Walls, Project Management, Fitting Out, Sustainable Installations 室內裝飾、翻新、專業綠化及可持續能源系統的安裝及特殊建築項目 - 工程策劃及技術支援的專業團隊
Y商業 / 建築及建造Your professional partner

專為客人提供同聲傳譯及會議系統, 團隊導覽系統, 語音導賞系統
音樂 / 器材維修及出租傳聲系統工程有限公司

傢俬和櫥櫃訂造,以及室內設計與裝修工程, 網上經營,價格實惠 / Affordable online furniture and kitchen design and home renovation

Magento 網上商店,Magento Platforms,網頁設計,Web Design,Responsive網頁設計,Magento模板,online store,shopping cart system,ecommerce solution,Magento Development,Magento Cloud Hosting
1設計 / 網頁設計1951113918

Crescent, Tung Chung, Mid-level, good sea view, with full furniture and electric appliances, two rooms
物業地產 / 住宅出租黃小姐

Our services: 1. PA system 2. Hall sound system 3. Acoustics engineering 4. Audio system design and repairing 5. Projector 6. Conference AV system 7. Signage media
L攝影及影音 / 影音Linker Technology

e設計 / 網頁設計education company

Annual Dinner | Exhibition | Lighting System | Sound System | Backdrop | Stage | Wedding Decoration | Wedding Live Band | Performance | Design | Carnival
M音樂 / 音響工程MP88 Event Production CO. LTD

系統電腦維修中心 上門電腦維修 維修電腦 安裝IPCAM TEL:37468000 website:http://hk-system.net

Office Furniture, Relocation, Moving, Contracting, Panel, Desk, Chair, Computer Desk, Compactus, Storage Rack, Filing Cabinet, 屏風、辦公檯、辦公椅、 文件櫃、鐡櫃、木櫃、趟門櫃、掩門櫃、推櫃、貸架、電腦檯、沙發、轉椅、升降檯、會議椅和會議檯。
設計 / 室內設計創思工程(香港)有限公司

The Easy System Founded By Billionaire To Teach You How Make Money In Singapore

韓國B-TOX Peel Skin Renewal System 海藻矽針美療。首次💲199 首次試用後可以亨有💲999/3次。 保證沒有其它附加費用。 優惠適用於新客戶、男女均可。

Hiring an expert to handle these challenges is very expensive nowadays. Thinking of cost-effective solutions? Our outsourcing services are definitely your choice! We can assist companies to overcome c

Far removed from the hubbub of family rooms and busy kitchens, the bedroom is the place where your day begins and ends. Trends come and go, and even now the furnitures of bedroom is evolving.
x家居 / 智能家居xpertgroup

全新課程管理系統 (Course Management System Web-based版本) 課程管理系統,適合各類大小補習中心、學前班、興趣班、鋼琴學習班、舞蹈學習班等等。
教學進修 / 補習SilverFok

Embryo chair 原 價: US$3950 叫 價: HK$6,500 現 貨: 1 The Embryo chair是一個經典的設計 設計師: Marc Newson 1988 廠商: Cappellini Italy 鉻鋼底部及以人造纖維造成的紅色軟墊傢俱 創作者: Marc Newson (設計師) Cappellini (廠商) 原產地: 意大利 生產期: 1990-199
L家居 / 買賣交易L.S. Dining International Limited
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